Whole Turkey - Large Bird

Whole Turkey - Large Bird

Pasture-raised Heritage Bronze Turkeys. These lovely birds are grown out on fine pasture and forage fresh environs with frequent rotation. Small birds range between 9-14 lbs and larger birds range from 15-20 lbs.
Save $1.00 /lb.
$5.99 /lb.
$6.99 /lb.
Avg. 17.5 lb.

These birds are raised on pasture and receive small amounts of supplemental non-GMO grain.  The meat is full flavored and benefits from lower cooking temperatures and shorter cooking durations.  Our heritage Bronze turkeys have a dark plumage with black pin feathers; each carcass retains a small amount of these feathers after plucking.  Small Birds average 12.5 lbs.  Large Birds average 17.5 lbs